Expense cross-reference (Xref) overview

The Expense Code Cross Reference (xref) can be used when a client prefers to see their own specific expense codes on their bills.  If the client’s codes are not the same as the firm’s internal system for expense codes, the Expense Code Xref maps the firm’s code to the client’s code and description.  This allows expenses to be entered into Juris using the firm’s normal expense codes, yet the cross-referenced code may be placed on the client’s bill for their convenience.

Expense Codes are entered into Expense Code Cross Reference Lists.  These Cross Reference Lists allow a relationship to be established between Firm Expense Codes and Client Expense Codes.  For example, the firm’s Expense Code for copy expenses may be E101 but a particular Client wishes or even requires that their code, 'COPY' be used on their bills instead of the code E101.  

Once an Expense Code Cross Reference List is created, it may be assigned to applicable Clients and/or Matters.  In Bill Formats, the cross-referenced values for expense code and description may be used in lieu of the Firm’s Code and Description.  Including the Xref Code and description in the bill format is often a requirement if the firm is using JurisBX to create mandated electronic bills for that Client/Matter.


If an Expense Code Xref is used for a Client or Matter, not all firm expense codes are required to be entered in the Xref list.  Juris reverts to the Standard Expense Code schedule for expenses that are not included in the Xref list.